Osama bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden Body Found, Claims Treasure Hunter Bill Warren

On the one year anniversary of terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden's death, the news broke that California treasure hunter Bill Warren believes he has located the al-Qaeda leaders' remains and will have the body in his possession as soon as he can rent the necessary deep-sea diving equipment.
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Five Arrested In US Plot To Blow Up Bridge

U.S. authorities arrested five self-described anarchists in the Cleveland area for allegedly plotting to blow up a four-lane highway bridge over a national park, but had no ties to foreign terrorism, the U.S. Justice Department said on Tuesday.
Idriss Deby

Eradicate Boko Haram: Chadian Leader

Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno said on Tuesday that a regional security force must be established to stop Nigerian rebel group Boko Haram before it's too late.

Arianna Huffington Calls Obama's bin Laden Ad 'Despicable'

Media mogul Arianna Huffington called an Obama 2012 campaign ad with former President Bill Clinton despicable for questioning whether or not GOP rival Mitt Romney would have made the same call President Obama did to capture and kill Osama bin Laden.
Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden Death Anniversary Fuels Partisan Feuding

As the Obama administration uses the approaching one-year anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death to tout the president's decision to launch a strike on the former Al Qaeda leader, Republicans have accused the administration of unnecessarily politicizing the issue.
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US, Afghans Reach Draft On Strategic Pact

Afghanistan and the United States agreed Sunday on a draft of a long-awaited deal that will define the scope and nature of a U.S. presence in the country for up to a decade after the pullout of most NATO combat troops in 2014.
A U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper drone

CIA Seeks Yemen Drone Strike Escalation

In an effort to expand its campaign of covert drone strikes in Yemen, the Central Intelligence Agency has asked for the authority to target suspected terrorists without needing to establish their identity first.
Iraq bombing

Bombing Waves Kills Three Dozen In Iraq

Thursday's bombings were the first significant attacks in nearly a month and the deadliest since a series of 30 explosions set by al Qaeda affiliates killed 52 people across the country in March.


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