Prince William and Prince Harry
Prince William and Prince Harry attend the opening of the Greenhouse Sports Centre on April 26, 2018, in London. Getty Images/Toby Melville

There’s no secret that some members of the royal family don’t have the warmest feelings towards U.S. President Donald Trump, and now, a new report claims that meeting him could be uneasy for Princes William and Harry for an additional reason.

It has been reported that when President Trump arrives for a three-day state visit in early June, he will meet with Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, as well as Prince Harry, for lunch, before having a private tea with Prince William and Kate Middleton. The U.S. President may be avoiding an awkward run-in with Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, who was openly critical of him before she became a member of the royal family, but according to Express UK, that doesn’t mean his visits with either prince will go smoothly either.

The website reports that shortly after their mother, Princess Diana, passed away in a car crash in Paris in 1997, the future U.S. President (who was just a real estate mogul at the time), appeared on Howard Stern’s radio show and made comments about their mother that they could now find to be disrespectful and awkward.

In the interview, the shock-jock radio host asked the future president if he felt he could have “gotten” or “nailed” the Princess of Wales, to which Trump responded affirmatively.

“I think I could have,” he said at the time. “She was actually really beautiful. I thought she was supermodel beautiful. She had times when she didn’t look great and she had times when she looked better than anyone in the world. But she had the height, she had magnificent skin, she was a great beauty.”

However, it appeared that the future president made romantic overtures towards the Princess but was rebuffed, with broadcaster Selina Scott revealing years later that Diana was actually creeped out by him and the fact that he continued sending her floral arrangements.

“Trump clearly saw Diana as the ultimate trophy wife,” she said back in 2015. “As the roses and orchids piled up at her apartment she became increasingly concerned about what she should do. It had begun to feel as if Trump was stalking her.”

She also went on to reveal that the Princess of Wales had also confided in her to say that it was giving her “the creeps.”

The comments were reflective of ones he made years later that were caught on a hot mic on his way to visit the set of “Days of Our Lives.” The tape, which was released during his campaign for president, revealed the now president’s belief that he could have any woman he wanted because he was famous.

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” he was recorded saying in the 2005 conversation with Billy Bush. “You can do anything.”