North Americans spend more than Europeans and Asians when it comes to mobile games, a new report shows.

North Americans Spending More

Install-to-purchase engagement rate in North America is 260 percent higher than in Europe, data from October 2015 through October 2016 analyzed by user acquisition firm Liftoff shows. Cost-per-install (CPI) in North America is about 2.5 times more than in Europe, due to the high iOS adoption rate in the U.S. (more than 38 percent), compared to Europe (20 percent).

North America spends more game apps
North America spends more than Europe and Asia in gaming apps. Liftoff

Who’s The Better Demographic For Game Developers?

Women lead over men in gaming mobile app engagement, Liftoff found. It costs more to get males to register in gaming apps than it costs with females, the report says. More females register and spend within games, which means women are better consumers in the long run, compared to men.

Games People Spend More On

Users playing a mobile card game are about 3.5 times more likely to make in-app purchase than those playing in an action-adventure mobile game, the report says.

gaming app report category
Gaming app IAP by subcategory. Liftoff

In general, the rate of users go from installing to downloading a mobile game app is higher than average in comparison to other categories, data shows.

Mobile Games Engagement Throughout The Year

Summer is a “hot time” for game apps and engagement, especially in June when kids are out of school for vacation, the report says.

Meanwhile, the cost-per-IAP varies in the winter weeks running up to the holidays, then rises in January before showing a steady decline in the following months.