It’s that time again. Time to see what issues our “You’re the Worst” friends are dealing with now, and if they’ll ever find ways to deal with them in a well-adjusted manner.

But, before we get to what’s to come on episode 5 of the FXX dramedy series, let’s recap what happened last week.

On the last Season 4 episode of “You’re the Worst,” Gretchen (Aya Cash) was forced to continue to deal with her feelings about Jimmy (Chris Geere) proposing to her and then leaving her alone for three months immediately following popping the question without a word on why.

Though he’s now back and Gretchen thought she could immediately get over it and be fine with having him back around, it became clear to her in the last episode that she can’t just do that. Of course, this lightbulb moment came while she was a drunk guest on Vernon (Todd Robert Anderson) and Becca’s (Janet Varney) podcast.

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Gretchen was forced to deal with her current problems during the fourth episode of Season 4 of FXX's “You’re the Worst.” Byron Cohen/FXX

With Becca, Lindsay’s (Kether Donohue) sister and Vernon occupied with the podcast and unable to watch their baby, Lindsay and Edgar (Desmin Borges) are tasked with being babysitters. The two, who are currently friends with benefits, ended up actually enjoying watching the child, something they didn’t think they would. While babysitting, they pass the time by switching between staring at the baby in awe and talking about how Edgar should go about picking up women better.

Meanwhile, Jimmy, though excited to have his new book ready to be published, is unhappy to learn that it will be marketed as an erotic novel. He doesn’t consider his book to be erotica and doesn’t want the stigma that will come with it if it is put in that genre. But while upset with it all at first, he ends up going to a book event to read from his novel for erotica book bloggers and tastemakers, and starts to really enjoy himself and the fans of this genre that he’s being thrown into.

At the end of the episode, Lindsay decides that she loves her sister’s baby too much and that she doesn’t want to love another person or love anything that much. She doesn’t want to have deep feelings. She doesn’t want to care. So, she tells her boss that she is seriously devoted to her job and nothing else, though her boss doesn’t care and never asked for this information.

Gretchen, on the other hand, has decided that Jimmy doesn’t get to make all the decisions and that since she already paid rent to live in his house that she’s going to move back in.

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Aya Cash and Chris Geere star in FXX’s “You’re the Worst.” Byron Cohen/FXX

Which brings fans to episode 5 of Season 4, “Fog of War, Bro.”

“Gretchen has moved back into the house and plays mind games with Jimmy, sabotaging his first interview for the new book,” the official synopsis reads. “Seeing an opportunity in Gretchen’s return to the house, Edgar and Lindsay plot to get Jimmy and Gretchen back together.”

The episode was written by Eva Anderson and directed by Stephen Falk, and the actual episode itself is 24 minutes long.

FXX’s “You’re the Worst” airs on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. EDT.