5 Daily Habits You Should Adopt To Age Gracefully
Aging is a natural process, but it’s common for people to dread the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. To lead a peaceful life, it is important to strive to age gracefully and happily.
There is so much more to aging than what people normally perceive. Aging is about living our best life and have a wiser approach toward life. Although the inner wisdom manifests in a mature person’s external behavior, concerns like the early appearance of fine lines, gray hair, and even a receding hairline take a toll on their confidence.
With the beauty world constantly evolving and churning out new products to delay the signs of aging, people are now confident than ever. While beauty products allow individuals to delay fine lines, some lifestyle changes can be significantly beneficial for the skin and overall health.
Wondering how can you unlock the mysteries of aging gracefully? Read on to know some everyday habits that help age-proof your appearance.
Smile more:
A bright smile speaks volumes about your confidence and inner-peace. Studies have proved that wearing angry or indifferent facial expressions make you appear older. Hence, wear a radiant smile in photos to subtract years from your age.
Pay attention to how your hair looks:
Our hair tends to be coarser in texture and loses moisture as we age. Celebrity hairstylists recommend skipping the heat styling and switching to air drying to avoid stripping hair of moisture. To battle the dryness, provide your hair deep-conditioning and adequate nourishment.
Wear less make-up:
The bad skin condition after 30 is the result of reckless use of make-up during the younger days. Cutting down the use of heavy make-up in your 30s will prove beneficial for your skin and lessen the chance of damaging it further. An older individual must resort to pink or subtle hues when it comes to make-up to mimic the youthful charm.
Take up a proper skincare routine:
Only cleaning and loading up your face with moisturizer aren’t enough to quell the signs of aging, certain dermatologist-approved skincare products, especially those containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), Hyaluronic acid, and Retinol are essential to rejuvenate the skin. Seek suggestions from your doctor and start following an anti-aging skincare ritual as soon as you hit 30.
Correct your diet:
You should ideally quit smoking and reduce the alcohol intake as you age because they are magnets to wrinkles. A surefire way to remain youthful is to incorporate lots of leafy greens into your diet, which help to enhance the elasticity of your skin. Greens are the rich sources of all the essential vitamins and fibers that help add a healthier glow to your skin.