After a long night of celebrating on New Year’s Eve, you may not be feeling the best as you wake up to 2021. The dreaded hangover can put you down for the entire day and leave you wishing you had pared down the partying the night before.

These hangover cures can help relieve some of your symptoms such as headache, upset stomach, nausea, and dehydration. Here’s a list of ways to feel better on New Year’s Day 2021 after the eve’s festivities:

Drink Some Water

Water may be just what your body needs to recover from drinking on New Year’s Eve. Simply drinking a large glass of water before bed can help with dehydration and relieve a headache and dry mouth by the next morning, Web MD said.

Another source of dehydration recovery can come from a sports drink that will replenish the potassium and electrolytes you lost after a night of drinking. Good Housekeeping also suggests drinking coconut water, which also has electrolytes and potassium.

Take A Pain Reliever

One of the most common symptoms of a hangover is a headache, which can often be curbed with a pain reliever such as aspirin or ibuprofen, Web MD said. But you will need to be careful with your pain reliever intake as it could worsen an upset stomach or cause nausea.

Web MD also recommends avoiding acetaminophen as this can intensify the effects of your hangover on your liver.

Eat Breakfast

A hearty breakfast may do the trick to help your overcome the illness you are feeling from your drinking hangover. Your body’s blood sugar levels may be low and could be the cause of your nausea, fatigue, weakness, and headache, Healthline said.

A healthy breakfast can thwart these symptoms and help your body get the vitamins and minerals it lost the night before through drinking alcohol.

Do Some Light Exercise

As much as you might not feel well enough to exercise, some light activity can actually do your body good and help to get rid of that hangover feeling. Exercise can get your circulation going and help get more oxygen to the brain, Good Housekeeping reported.

But you don’t want to overdo it as you could intensify your dehydration, Good Housekeeping said. Keep your exercise light and try a short walk or yoga to combat your symptoms

Try Some Supplements

There are also a variety of supplements that can be taken that can help to ease your hangover symptoms. These include red ginseng, prickly pear, ginger, borage oil, and eleuthero, Healthline said.

Red ginseng can help to reduce your blood alcohol levels, while prickly pear can reduce hangover symptoms. Ginseng also helps to relieve hangover symptoms and is more effective when combined with brown sugar and tangerine extract, Healthline said.

Borage oil can also be helpful when combined with prickly pear, also helping to reduce symptoms, while eleuthero – another form of ginseng – can decrease the severity of your hangover, Healthline reported.

Get More Sleep

One of the best ways to get over a hangover is to sleep it off. Your body needs to get more sleep as alcohol can disrupt your sleep pattern and cause a restless night of sleep on New Year’s Eve, Web MD said.

You may want to drink a glass of water, take and pain reliever, and sleep for another few more hours to feel better.

Drink More Alcohol

Some suggest that one of the most effective ways to get over a hangover is to have an alcoholic drink. While this may sound counterintuitive, it can help to alleviate symptoms.

While experts do not recommend this as a hangover cure, the “hair of the dog” method works for some but can put your body through more turmoil than other hangover remedies, Web MD said.