“Arrow” is coming to an end soon, but the final season is just starting to dive into the Diggle family. The future storyline dove into Connor Hawke and JJ Diggle’s tortured relationship in last night’s episode, and Connor actor Joseph David-Jones talked to IBT all about the confrontation. He also teased the epic “Crisis on Infinite Earths” crossover and the upcoming “Green Arrow and the Canaries” spinoff.

International Business Times: Connor blames himself for JJ's dark side, but Mia tells him that he made his own choices. Can Connor really believe her? Can he see past his own guilt at this point?

Joseph David-Jones: No, I don't think he can. I think that's why he has this conversation, after him and Mia have that exchange, and it's because he blames himself for the way JJ ended up, because his presence in the Diggle family went to this. JJ can't be all bad now because if JJ is all bad, then that means Connor's the reason for it. He's the reason that he ended up this way, so he can't be beyond saving. This conversation is because Connor has to try, so that coupled with the fact that JJ is the strongest bond that Connor has--he's grown up with him and known him pretty much his whole life--is the reason why he's fighting for him so much.

IBT: We learn a lot more about Connor and JJ's childhood in this episode. How much of that did you guys know beforehand? Did they tell you anything last year?

David-Jones: They told me a lot of what our history was, and I think they told Charlie [Barnett] a little bit before episode 1, to sort of give him a base for how to frame the relationship between us and how to frame his character. So we knew going into it, but it was really this episode, where we got a chance to actually sit down and find the history between us. To personalize these moments between us and then really build our history… Some of the lines are just sort of improv'd out there because we do have that history now, and we can sort of tackle the theme as brothers.

Joseph David-Jones (right) told IBT that a scene with Charlie Barnett in "Arrow" Season 8, episode 2 was his favorite. Sergei Bachlakov/The CW

IBT: We hear about Diggle and Lyla in this episode, but we don't actually see them. Are we ever going to see the boys interact with their parents?

David-Jones: There's some stuff in upcoming episodes. I can't give too much away, but we know that Diggle is still alive in the future. So I'm interested to see how the fans are going react to their relationship and everything. We will see interactions between the family going forward in this. A lot of this season is going to touch on Diggle's family and their history too, so I can't wait.

IBT: Mia and Connor definitely don't agree on how to handle JJ. Can you talk about that conflict a little bit and how long they'll be on opposite sides of the fence?

David-Jones: It's tough. I think we saw a bit of that in the last episode as well, where there's a conflict of who's going to take the lead in this team going forward. Right now, Connor has been putting together the tactical missions and everything, but there's a conflict there. Mia is used to working alone, she's used to doing things her way and everything. So there's conflict there, and there's conflict with how to handle JJ because, as we'll see, Connor is very close to this mission, so he's not able to see JJ straight. He can't, but there is that moment when they're walking in that lets you know that she really does still care about Connor.

This conflict isn't one that's born out of the hate. It's one that's born out of love, in my understanding, but I don't know. I'd say our relationship is going to be interesting this next season because there is so much conflict going on. We'll have moments where we have that connection again, but so much is building, and we still have Crisis coming. So a lot of it is, man, if only this wasn't happening at this time, then things can work out.

IBT: Well, I wanted to ask about "Crisis on Infinite Earths" because it seems like the future storyline is the only part of the Arrowverse right now that doesn't seem to be connecting to Crisis. Is that going to change in upcoming episodes?

David-Jones: Oh, Crisis is imminent, and I think that whole thing is going to come in to play in such an interesting way. I can't wait for people to see it. It sucks because so much of Crisis is a no go for interviews and everything. It's all shrouded in secrecy. The future team is going to have sort of a part to play in Crisis, I can say that, and we're going to start seeing how things are going to play out for them as well.

IBT: That's nice and vague but exciting. Good job.

David-Jones: [Laughs] It's a delicate dance, man. I mean Warner Bros. will come after me. I spoiled so much last season. Trying to not get any more calls from these guys.

IBT: I also wanted to ask you about this new spinoff, "Green Arrow and the Canaries." I know that they're filming a backdoor pilot right now. Are you going to be a part of that?

David-Jones: Actually I'm in Vancouver shooting right now. I can't say which capacity I will be in this as, but we're still sort of finding what is going to happen post-Crisis. So all I can say is that there's definitely interested parties on both ends with Connor continuing in this spinoff, and we shall see what happens with it. I'm sorry I'm being unbelievably cryptic.

Joseph David-Jones
Joseph David-Jones said he is interested in appearing in the "Green Arrow and the Canaries" spinoff. LUC-RICHARD PHOTOGRAPHY

IBT: That's what you have to do when you're on a superhero show! Here's a slightly easier-ish question. What has been your favorite episode of the season so far?

David-Jones: My favorite scene to shoot was definitely in this episode. It was the one that we worked on the most and built the most history on. I would say, that things have been getting intense with our storyline, especially in the next episode, but they really come to a head in episode 4. I would say that episode 4 was probably my most fun, and my favorite to shoot, out of all of them. I know the people are going to go nuts for episode 4. I think it's going to be crazy. I can't wait for that to drop. I love that episode. I can finally start talking about stuff.

“Arrow” Season 8 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EDT on The CW.

This conversation has been lightly edited for length and clarity.