• Armor mods complement certain playstyles
  • Some armor mods can only be acquired from weekly vendor inventories
  • Armor mods can sometimes be acquired from the gunsmith in the Tower

Exotic gear and legendary weapons aside, the brunt of buildcrafting in “Destiny 2” lies in the customizability of the Armor system.

Players are able to slot mods into their armor pieces in order to create fun and interesting builds that cater to certain playstyles. These mods give powerful bonuses that encourage players to play in certain ways or use specific types of gear, greatly increasing “Destiny 2’s” loadout diversity.

However, the majority of the game’s mods are locked behind RNG, which means that many players may accidentally miss out on some particularly powerful armor mods if they aren’t paying close attention to “Destiny 2’s” daily and weekly vendor resets.

Here are some of the best armor mods that players shouldn’t miss in “Destiny 2.”

Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2021 adds a new set of dinosaur-themed armor for each of the Guardian classes
Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost 2021 adds a new set of dinosaur-themed armor for each of the Guardian classes Bungie

Elemental Well Generators

Elemental well builds have become increasingly popular in the current season of “Destiny 2” due to the Warmind Cell nerf. For those who don’t know, elemental wells can be produced by slotting in appropriate mods.

Here are a few elemental well generators players should look out for:

  • Elemental Armaments: kills with weapons matching the player’s subclass have an increasing chance of generating elemental wells of the same element
  • Melee Wellmaker: Powered melee kills generate wells that match the player’s subclass element
  • Elemental Shards: Stasis shards count as elemental wells

These generators are best complimented by other mods that give elemental wells bonus effects like Font of Might and Well of Ions.

Powerful Friends

The Powerful Friends is a great support mod that can buff an entire fireteam. When the Powerful Friends user is charged with Light, their other fireteam members will also become charged.

It also grants +20 Mobility when an Arc Charged with Light mod is equipped in a separate armor piece or if another Arc mod is slotted into the same armor piece as Powerful Friends, making this an incredibly energy-efficient mod that everyone should have.

Loaders, Targeting and Unflinching Mods

Ada-1 regularly sells various Loaders, Targetters and Unflinching mods that can greatly improve a player’s experience in all aspects of “Destiny 2.” Unflinching and Targeting mods are especially useful in the Crucible and can help keep players competitive against everyone else.

These mods can also be acquired by turning in weapon parts to Banshee-44 in the Tower.