Gearbox Software released the final DLC of the “Borderlands 2” during the E3 2019. And the last day to get this new DLC, which finishes up the story of this sequel and serves as a transition into the third entry to be released this September, free is this July 8.

As seen on the Steam page of the “Borderlands 2" Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary DLC, the expansion will only be free until July 8 at 06:59:59 UTC (11:59:59 PDT.) Players who own the game on this platform and want this DLC for free should get it as soon as possible before the offer expires. This DLC is also free for “Borderlands 2” inside the “Borderlands: The Handsome Collection” for the PlayStation 4, Microsoft store and Xbox One.

This DLC bridges the story between “Borderlands 2” and the upcoming “Borderlands 3” set for release later this year. With the Crimson Raiders leader Roland gone, the Vault Hunters come face-to-face against Hector and his New Pandora Army.

More than just a regular antagonist, Hector is a charismatic leader who leads his army of super soldiers buffed with mutated spores originally native to the planet.

The DLC spans the story between Lilith taking on the mantle as the new leader of the Crimson Raiders and their quest to start planet-hopping to search for more Vaults. Aside from just her character’s evolution, this DLC also pieces up all other “Borderlands” games, including events and characters from Telltale Games’ “Tales From The Borderlands” as the new set of friendly faces to be seen by the new Vault Hunters in “Borderlands 3.”

In addition to introducing the characters that’ll join the new Vault Hunters in "Borderlands 3," ECHO Log recordings can be found throughout the maps in this DLC. Some logs contain information about the initial four characters in “Borderlands 3.” Moze, Zane Flynt, FL4K and Amara all have ECHO Logs about their backgrounds and what they’re doing before eventually joining the Vault Hunter crew.

After July 8, the “Borderlands 2” Commander Lilith & The Fight For Pandora DLC will need to be bought for around the same price as the other expansion DLCs of the game.

Borderlands 3 Zane Flynt Screenshot
Borderlands 3 Zane Flynt Screenshot from the official Borderlands site Gearbox Software/Borderlands 3