Tonight through Sunday May 15, Stand (*an autumn play) will be showing at FiveMyles in Brooklyn.

Located at 558 St. Johsn Place, FiveMyles offers the use of the gallery for artistic projects, such as this production by The American Laboratory.

Stand (*an autumn play) is an experiential artistic event unfolding the story of two young lovers lost in time. HE weaves together remnants of HER, grappling with the torment that accompanies mistakes-once-made and the inability to move back through time and mend them.

Encapsulated in poetry, multimedia, and scenic installation, Stand tackles the barriers of traditional theatre and emerges as a triumphant compilation of sight, sound, and sensation.

After the show, Saul Bolton and The Vanderbilt will be hosting a post-exhibition with 2 for 1 cocktails, beer, and wine, with complimentary hors d'oeuvres. 570 Vanderbilt Avenue (at Bergen Street).

This project is part of the FiveMyles Space Program and The American Laboratory, a fledgling art company with special interest in blending the boundaries of the visual, theatrical, and performance arts.