Is a business plan vital to all businesses?
Is a business plan vital to all businesses? Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

If you start a new company or find opportunities to expand an existing one, a business plan is a helpful tool to inform your decisions and guide the business growth. This directs all aspects of the business, including marketing, financing and products or services.

It is tempting for business owners to start a company right away. But writing a business plan is a crucial first step for potential entrepreneurs to verify a venture's viability before wasting too much time or money on it. A business plan aims to help you develop a strategy to start your business and the direction you want it to take. It also gives insight into the actions to take, the tools required to meet your company goals and the timeline for the predetermined standards.

Let's look at some reasons all businesses need a business plan.

Why your company needs a business plan

You're in business

A plan proves you're serious about your business. A formal business plan is needed to show all stakeholders, staff, clients, investors and yourself how you are focused on developing a business.

Set milestones


A business plan sets milestones for the organization. The business strategy should map out the long-term priorities that are most important to the business's growth. You're not going to tell your family that you've tweaked the market brochure. You'll certainly want to mention that you launched a new website or made $1M in annual revenue. Similarly, a business plan won't contain every goal and step, but it will have the big goals.

Market strengths

The development of a business concept forces you to analyze the competition. Many companies are competing in either direct or indirect rivals, and it is necessary to recognize your company's strengths. Once you know your company's strengths, you can market those strengths to your customers.

Customer relations

You can better understand your clients. An in-depth study of the customer is a requirement for a successful business plan and a sustainable business. By looking at your customer needs, you will guide your business in a direction that will benefit your customers and your business.

Encourages documentation

A business plan forces you to document your company model. It's an image of how the business is going to make profits. Documenting the company model helps solve the business's marketing issues and assumptions as you write it all down clearly.

Business needs

A business plan allows you to see what you need as you consider your goals and pros. As you determine your business needs, you can learn how much effort and money is required to meet those needs. By having a plan, you will be less likely to waste time, effort and money on things that don't help your business progress in the direction you want.

Understand your niche marketplace

As you create a business plan, you're going to carry out research and get to know your business. This means identifying the innovative ideas in your business and learning about the key risks to the business. Always inquire whether your product market is expanding or dropping. Creating a business plan allows you to create a wider, deeper and stronger view of the marketplace.

Flexibility and direction


Having a business plan keeps the purpose of the business from getting lost. As challenges arise, a business plan will help you understand if you are moving in the right direction. This determines whether the company needs to change direction or processes when something doesn't seem to be working. If something is not working, try and test new ideas and strategies that will better accomplish the company's goals.


Business plans should point out the long-term milestones that are most important for your business's growth. Ultimately, a business plan will allow your business to succeed as you plan for what the company will accomplish and how it will do that. By having these plans written out, they are clearer to yourself and anyone you share them with. You will also determine whether or not the business succeeds, since you have set goals in your business plan.