• Ballistic Slam can achieve high uptime even without Insurmountable Skullfort
  • Dunemarchers can greatly increase the effective range of Ballistic Slam
  • Heavy Handed does not stack with Melee Kickstart

The Striker subclass for the Titan in “Destiny 2” has plenty of ways to deal damage with melee attacks, but the middle-tree Code of the Missile can take this playstyle further.

With the right combination of exotics and armor mods, Titans can hurl themselves into the fray while simultaneously obliterating every enemy unfortunate enough to be in range. The Striker’s Ballistic Slam is a satisfying ability that can be transformed into an effective and reliable attack with massive range and near-permanent uptime.

Here’s how to turn a Titan into a walking cruise missile in “Destiny 2.”

The Code of the Missile tree for Striker Titans allow players to launch themselves at enemies with explosive force
The Code of the Missile tree for Striker Titans allow players to launch themselves at enemies with explosive force Bungie

Required Exotics

Insurmountable Skullfort is great but ultimately unnecessary for this build. While this helmet will allow for instant Ballistic Slam regeneration upon defeating enemies with powered melee attacks, it also limits the build’s AoE potential.

To gain as much range as possible on Ballistic Slam, use Dunemarchers. This exotic leg armor piece causes a defeated enemy to shoot out a lightning bolt that chains to other nearby enemies, zapping them for high amounts of damage.

It’s important to note that this chain lightning effect triggers shortly after an enemy is defeated using Ballistic Slam. Since the ability tends to send enemies flying, the chain lightning often triggers a fair distance away from the enemy’s original position, causing Dunemarchers to hit targets that are much farther away from the Titan’s landing spot.

Armor Mods

For this build to maintain a high uptime on Ballistic Slam, players will need the following:

  • Melee Wellmaker
  • Elemental Charge
  • Well of Striking
  • Heavy Handed

This mod setup will allow each kill with Ballistic Slam to spawn one elemental well that will recharge the player’s melee ability. This synergizes well with Elemental Charge and Heavy Handed, as these mods will make elemental wells charge players with light while also restoring half of Ballistic Slam’s energy. Meanwhile, Well of Striking boosts the amount of melee energy restored by each Arc elemental well that players pick up.

This build is designed for open-world patrols, dungeons, certain raid encounters and low-difficulty Nightfalls. Since the build relies on crashing into the middle of an enemy group, survivability may be an issue when hard content is involved.