Former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt on Monday unveiled a $100 million plan to rebuild the foundations of social media.

The billionaire real estate mogul's plan is called Project Liberty. It centers on the construction of a publicly accessible database of social connections that would allow users to move records of their relationships between social media services rather than being locked into apps such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The undercurrent of Project Liberty is a fear of the power that large companies such as Facebook have attained over the past 10 years. “I never thought I would question the security of our underlying systems,” McCourt said. “We live under constant surveillance, that's what's happening with this massive accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of the few. It threatens capitalism because capitalism needs some form of fairness in order to survive.”

The McCourt Institute — Georgetown University and Sciences Po of Paris are the founding academic partners — is seeking to harness the power of technology to improve society and social media. The institute hopes to bring the best and brightest teams together from around the world to conduct research on developing technology for the common good.

“Georgetown is honored to partner with Frank McCourt and the McCourt institute in the important work of discovering more ethical and inclusive ways to build technology,” John J. DeGioia, President of Georgetown University, said in the press release.

The institute will announce its leadership team as well as its first slate of projects and grants in the fall. Out of the total $100 million investment, $75 million will be allocated to the institute, and the remaining $25 million will go to the development and adoption of DSNP.

McCourt has an ally in Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who says the solution may be blockchain -- the technology that underpins bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Project Liberty would use blockchain to construct a new internet infrastructure called the Decentralized Social Network Protocol.

With cryptocurrencies, blockchain stores information about the token’s in everyone’s digital wallets and DSNP would do the same for social media. If all companies are drawn from a better social graph, they would compete with each other for better services, and the likelihood of any company being able to dominate the rest would significantly fall.

The blockchain protocol idea is similar to something Dorsey has pushed with BlueSky, which he described as the “standard for the public conversation layer of the internet.”