The Joker (Cameron Monaghan) has a huge arc with Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) in "Gotham" Season 3. Fox

It looks like Cameron Monaghan is extremely excited for his character Jerome Valezka’s return in “Gotham” Season 3.

The actor has already posted a photo of himself in full Joker gear, but he then promptly deleted it after it caused a commotion on social media. This time around, he shared another teaser photo featuring Dr. Leslie “Lee” Thompkins (Morena Baccarin) uncovering Jerome’s dead body.

There’s no telling how Jerome’s storyline will play out next year. The show’s executive producer John Stephens said that they are definitely going to bring the Joker back, but not in the way fans expect. “You’ll have these underground movements that have started to talk about Jerome and what he represented and how he’s going to come back like in the days of John the Baptist,” Stephens told Comic Book. “Setting the stage that if there is a Season 4, hopefully we’ll bring that back in a much bigger way and you’ll see these different versions of the Joker myth.”

While fans are eager for the Joker’s return, one character from the show certainly isn’t — Penguin. Robin Lord Taylor, who plays Oswald Cobblepot, said that Penguin and the Joker definitely won’t get along, so they will be on opposing sides. “Joker represents anarchy, whereas Penguin is all about there [being] an order to everything,” he told Yahoo! TV.

“He’s not interested in tearing things down. He’s not interested in anarchy at all,” Taylor further explained, adding that this is the reason why Penguin and the cops often find common ground. “There’s something identifiable in his madness.”

The Joker might team up with Ed Nygma, also known as the Riddler (Cory Michael Smith), now that he is hell-bent on getting revenge on Penguin.

“Gotham” airs every Monday at 8 p.m. EST on Fox.