Honolulu’s “Stairway to Heaven” or “Haiku Stairs” is set to be destroyed under a $1 million plan approved Tuesday by Mayor Rick Blangiardi, who cited safety concerns that "cannot be ignored."

The famous World War II path that slithers through the mountains has been closed to the public since the 1980s and trespassers can face a $1,000 fine. The deterrents have not effectively prevented some wandering hikers, who are susceptible to injury.

“We have listened to the varying compelling arguments and appreciate all the feedback and information received from all sides of the Ha‘ikū Stairs issue,” Blangiardi said in an email.

“We recognize the interest the stairs have to certain community groups, however issues such as trespassing, personal injuries, invasive species and overall safety of the public cannot be ignored.”

The city council voted and agreed to add the project to be dismantled in the city budget this year. It required approval for the funds to be released from Blangiardi.

The Honolulu police cited 93 arrests for trespassing over a 10-day period in March, according to the Associated Press.

The 3,922 step-stairs lead up to a breathtaking view that is 2,800 feet up the Haiku Valley, at the edge of the Koolau Mountains. A unique spot that has made it hard to keep tourists and hikers out.

There is no official parking or entrance that doesn’t trespass through a residential area to get to the stairway, making it very problematic to the people living in the surrounding area.

“Fundamentally, it is inappropriate to have a high-use tourist attraction entering through this residential neighborhood, which lacks the capacity to provide appropriate facilities or parking,” he continued. “In addition, there is no unrestricted access to the stairs and the primary landowner at the base made it clear it is not interested in providing access. Consequently, my administration is aligned with the City Council’s resolution to remove the stairs and we intend to move forward with the necessary plans," Blangiardi said in the email.