Ice Cream Sandwich Update for Motorola Droid Razr Confirmed for July
Only the Xoom Family Edition Tablet will Get ICS Before Then

Motorola announced their Ice Cream Sandwich update timeline for the Droid Razr, and it won't get the update until July at the earliest. In fact, no Motorola products will get Android 4.0 until April at the earliest, and even then, the only device getting it is the Xoom Family Edition tablet. Other devices confirmed to get the upgrade starting in July are the Photon 4G on Sprint, Atrix 2 on AT&T and Droid Xyboard 10.1 and 8.9 tablets from Verizon. All other smartphones and tablets, including the brand new Droid 4 and still new Droid Razr, are categorized by Motorola as being in the evaluation and planning stage. That means Motorola hasn't even made up their minds about whether those devices will get the update, despite the fact Motorola has been approved for purchase by Google itself.
The news will come as a surprise to many because the Droid Razr is the flagship device from Motorola. That the Atrix 2 and Photon 4G will be getting Android 4.0 before the newer devices could force Motorola into damage control because people paid $300 for the Razr thinking it would get ICS in just two or three months, not six or more. Or never.
Also in the evaluation and planning stage are the Droid Razr Maxx and Droid Bionic, two popular devices with top features. Again that means Motorola is testing the new system, and there is still no guarantee ICS will come to these devices. On the bright side of things, because Motorola is the first company to detail a full roadmap of device updates, it could mean other companies are soon to follow. Samsung and HTC are both still being a bit cagey about when their Galaxy S2 and Rezound, among others will get ICS. Tell us in the comments if you have a Droid Razr and what you think of the timeline.
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