iOS 6.1 Tethered Jailbreak Using Redsn0w And Tips To Prepare For The Imminent Untethered Exploit

Apple’s latest firmware update, iOS 6.1, is now out in the wild. The new update to the popular mobile operating system is currently getting downloaded and installed on millions of supported devices all around the globe.
After the Cupertino tech giant rolled out iOS 6.1 Monday, the users waiting for an untethered exploit for newer iDevices are now expecting hackers to come up with the long-awaited iOS 6/6.1 untethered jailbreak soon. The members of the newly formed hacking team “evad3rs” have also indicated that the possible release date for the jailbreak could be this Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 3).
However, if you happen to be a user of pre-A5 devices like iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod touch 4 running on the latest iOS 6.1, you can perform a tethered jailbreak on your device using the latest version of Redsn0w. Once you jailbreak iOS 6.1 on your device, it will allow third-party apps and tweaks to function on it. But since it is a tethered jailbreak, it will require you to connect the device into your computer running Redsn0w whenever you start it up.
You can check out the video (via iDownloadBlog) and the steps below to jailbreak iOS 6.1 tethered on your pre-A5 device.
Step 1: Download iOS 6.1 and upgrade your device.
Step 2: Download the original iOS 6.0. This is required because RedSn0w 0.9.13b5 doesn’t support iOS 6.1 as of yet.
Step 3: Download Redsn0w 0.9.15b3. [Mac / Windows]
Step 4: Connect the device to the computer and place into DFU mode.
Step 5: Open Redsn0w 0.9.15b3 and then click Extras > Select IPSW > and point to the iOS 6.0 firmware file. After you click OK, RedSn0w should successfully identify the firmware.
Step 6: Go back to the main page of RedSn0w and click on Jailbreak. After it finishes processing, make sure Install Cydia is checked and then click Next to proceed with the jailbreak process.
Step 7: When the jailbreak is complete, the device will be back to the Lock screen. Now place it back into the DFU mode.
Step 8: Click back in Redsn0w once again and from the main page of RedSn0w, click Extras > Select IPSW > and select the iOS 6.0 firmware.
Step 9: After that, click Just boot at the top of the Extras menu to perform a tethered boot on the device.
Step 10: If everything goes properly, a pineapple logo should appear on the device’s screen replacing the traditional Apple logo as it boots up. After the tethered boot is complete, the device will be back at the Lock screen. Unlock the device and swipe to the second Home screen page to see the Cydia app icon.
iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak Approaching: Let’s Get Prepared
With renowned iOS hacker MuscleNerd teasing Feb. 3 as the likely release date for the iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak for iPhone 5, iPad mini and all other newer devices, it’s time to get prepared for the highly anticipated exploit. So, how to go about it?
iDownloadBlog came up with a report Tuesday, explaining certain “essential basics” for users, who are willing to try the iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak when it is released.
The very first thing that the users should know is whether or not the future untethered jailbreak supports their device. Although almost all newer iOS devices are likely to be compatible with the exploit, there are a few others that will remain out of luck.
The devices that probably won’t be supported by iOS 6.1 untethered jailbreak are iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPod touch first generation, iPod touch 2G, iPod touch 3G, iPad first generation and Apple TV 3. Apart from these, all other iOS devices are expected to be jailbroken.
The second thing for the users to do is to have a proper back up of their device. If your device is not jailbroken on some older firmware version, you can back up your device with the help of iTunes or iCloud.
On the other hand, if you own a jailbroken device, the tool called PkgBackup could be helpful to back up your Cydia apps and tweaks.
Backing up the device is followed by restoring to iOS 6.1. The iDownloadBlog report cited a “evad3rs” team recommendation for users to upgrade their devices to iOS 6.1 using iTunes, not an OTA delta upgrade using the Settings > General > Software update feature found on the devices.
“Again, do not use the software update method found on the iPhone, use iTunes instead. The evad3rs team has recommended this, and in the past, users have had problems when trying to jailbreak delta upgraded firmware,” the report added.
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