apple releasing three new iphones 2019/gettyimages
apple releasing three new iphones 2019/gettyimages gettyimages

When it comes to news of the upcoming iPhone flagship phone, the iPhone 11, most are concentrated on the triple-camera feature that’s said to be both exciting and problematic.

On one hand, the triple-camera module would make the next iOS smartphone a gadget with one of the most powerful camera systems capable of a whole range of shooting potential. It is said to have exciting macro photography features and a larger field view. The Cupertino giant, however, seems to be prioritizing function over form because the triple-camera module would be coupled with a rather unflattering square camera bump to corral the lenses.

The camera bump is currently what’s getting all the negative news of the upcoming iPhone, with some calling the feature “ugly.”

But apart from the triple cameras, some reports are saying the iPhone 11 could have other redeeming components. According to Forbes, Apple is working on how to improve the phone’s sound system.

This includes ways of increasing the back volume, improved acoustics and defined bass frequencies without the need to change the size of current speakers. This is possible via a recently published patent, billed “Audio Speaker Having A Rigid Adsorptive Insert.”

“Due to their small size, micro speakers tend to have limited space available for a back volume… The low-frequency acoustic performance of portable consumer electronics devices having micro speakers may be increased, however, by increasing the back volume size as much as possible within the internal space available in the system enclosure,” the patent description stated.

Per the report, the technique would require the use of an absorbent layer placed at the back of the speaker. Apple is said to be using a specific material that would prevent damage on the speaker assembly as most smartphone speakers often go through shock on a daily basis.

Most patents filed don’t usually signal that it will be available in the next available gadget to be launched. However, the patent is said to be a continuation of the first which was filed back in 2016, so some are hopeful that this improvement in the Apple speaker would be made available in the upcoming iPhone 11 that’s expected to be launched later this year.