“The Matrix” is finally getting a fourth film. “The Matrix 4” is the next movie in the franchise and it’s been confirmed to be in the works.

Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss are set to reprise their roles as Neo and Trinity, respectively. Lana Wachowski will also be returning to write the script and direct the film.

Amid all the excitement, a question on every fan’s mind remains: Why is Laurence Fishburne not listed among the cast coming back? Fortunately, Variety reporter Justin Kroll explained through a tweet why the actor may not be part of the upcoming installment.

The absence of Fishburne among the roll call of actors and actresses included in the new film’s cast may also explain what has become of Neo’s mentor, Morpheus. There's word that the film’s executives are holding tryouts for actors who may possibly be playing a younger Morpheus. In the previous movies, Fishburne played the older Morpheus.

There are various ideas floating around on how Fishburne could make a comeback in the series. One popular theoryreported by Movie Web is that Fishburne could get the “green screen treatment.” His face may be de-aged and pasted on a younger stand-in, similar to what was done Jeff Bridges in “Tron: Legacy.”

Story details have remained sketchy at best, but the report is that the story will go back the timeline just a bit. Wachowski will be co-writing the screenplay with Aleksander Hemon and David Mitchell this time around. Reports suggest that a prequel mixed in with a sequel could make for a “unique” movie.

There are also speculations that Michael B. Jordan of “Creed” and “Black Panther” fame may be connected to the project. It’s highly likely, given that the script is calling for a young version of Morpheus. It is a sound decision to make as well, given the actor’s reputation as one of the current top talents in the industry.

“The Matrix 4” is scheduled to go into production sometime in 2020.

The Matrix 4
"The Matrix 4" movie has been announced with Keanu Reeves returning as Neo. The Matrix/Facebook