5 MBA Programs for a Career in the Arts

New York University (NYU) MBA-MFA
A growing realization of the importance of inculcating administrative and business skills even in those who wish to grow their careers in the long term in creative fields such as art, fashion and entertainment have led to a number of management programs with an interdisciplinary bent that can groom managerial talent for these fields.
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MBA Destinations in Europe

The Top 5 MBA Destinations in Europe

European institutions received 85,262 score reports from people who took the GMAT® exam in testing year 2010 (July 2009-June 2010); we look at the top 5 countries in Europe that are attracting MBA aspirants from around the world.

Tennessee School To Give Out iPads

A Tennessee school is joining the wave of educational institutions enamored by the possibilities of Apple's latest device, which it plans on introducing to students this fall.
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Unique law program inaugurated in London

LawWithoutWalls(TM) brings together students, faculty, practitioners, and entrepreneurs from around the world to explore innovation in legal education and practice.


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