• Microsoft Outlook received a new update for its iPadOS version
  • The app can now use the Split View feature to display two windows of the same app
  • Users can now freely look at the mail and calendar pages of the app and transfer texts into each other smoothly

Microsoft has released a new update for the Outlook office app on the Apple iPad. The new feature solves a previous problem for users who want to see both their mail and calendar at the same time. Microsoft’s Outlook app is now built for the Apple’s Split View features on the iPad

As seen on the official App Store page of the Microsoft Outlook, the app is now optimized for the Split View feature on the iPad. Microsoft confirms that users can look at their mail and calendar at the same time. Users can also drag and drop text from either mail and calendar as of this update 4.23.0.

However, Microsoft Outlook still cannot display both mail and calendar after one touch of a button. Outlook users are now allowed to run two instances of the app and use the Split View feature to make the mail and calendar work side by side. Once the two Microsoft Outlook apps are on the Split View, users can enjoy the new update’s feature. Text from either app can now be dragged and dropped into each other as needed.

Outlook users will have to wait and see if the next update adds the feature to create the Split View windows through a single push of a button in the app.

The Microsoft Outlook update 4.23.0 is now available on the App Store for use and is a free app for any iPad compatible to the app.

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