Recording Studio
The label assists in merchandising, helping artists develop and sell their branded products, a crucial revenue stream in the modern music industry. Pexels/Pixabay

The Phone Up Studios Inc., a trailblazer in the music, fashion and entertainment industries, is not just making waves with its diverse musical genres and unique fashion statements. This Texas-based powerhouse is revolutionizing the industry with its unparalleled support for musicians, setting a new standard for what artists can expect from a record label.

Led by young entrepreneur Felipe Vasquez, The Phone Up Studios goes beyond the traditional role of a record label by offering an extensive range of benefits to its artists. This includes comprehensive health plans, ensuring that the well-being of its musicians is a top priority. Additionally, the label takes charge of tour hosting, providing a platform for artists to showcase their talent across various stages, and tax and payroll responsibilities to ensure that artists' operations are in full compliance with the law.

In addition to relieving artists of administrative burdens so they can focus on their creative work, the label also assists in merchandising, helping artists develop and sell their branded products, a crucial revenue stream in the modern music industry.

In a move that sets them apart from many big labels, The Phone Up Studios offers its musicians approximately half of the revenue generated, a significant leap from the standard 10% offered by some major labels. This generous model underscores the label's commitment to its artists, acknowledging the hard work and talent they bring to the table.

"Growing as a young entrepreneur, I faced a lot of external negativity and doubt around my aspirations," says The Phone Up's founder. "So I know how hard it is for upcoming artists who are trying to build their careers and build up their brand credibility around the world. The different revenue streams we open up to our artists — whatever stage their career is at — and the support we give, helps to reduce the risk they face in pursuing this kind of career."

The Phone Up Studios was founded on the principle of giving everyone an opportunity, regardless of their background or industry connections. The label's website has an open submissions form for artist details and demos.

With this approach, the label has grown exponentially. With a current roster of 15,000 musicians and a target of 50,000 within the next 24 months, The Phone Up Studios is aiming to have over 100,000 artists as an eventual goal.

Under the leadership of a young entrepreneur who is determined to shake up the music industry and at a time when social media is leading to the discovery of new artists outside the traditional labels' ecosystem, there is no telling how far Vasquez's model can go.