Best Buy may have just leaked the “Persona 5” for the Nintendo Switch. It is uncertain if this is the main game or a spinoff unique to the console. Here’s what we know about the posting.

According to PersonaCentral, a “Persona 5” listing was found in leaked screenshots of an employee terminal. The details about the product are incomplete, but it’s noted as part of the store’s stock. The "Persona 5" for the Switch costs around $60, which is about the same as a fully developed, AAA video game.

Other Switch exclusives were also potentially leaked, including “Metroid Prime Trilogy” and “The Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past.”

Sega, Atlus and P Studio have yet to speak up about a "Persona 5" for the Nintendo Switch. The closest to a "Persona 5" release on the Nintendo console fans got was main character Joker's appearance on the "Super Smash Bros Ultimate" as a first DLC fighter. Previously, Joker was confirmed to be the first "Smash" DLC character, but the release date was not included in his reveal trailer.

Other than Joker’s inclusion in "Smash," Atlus is also whipping up other "Persona 5" spinoffs which could potentially be Switch titles. Last month, “Persona 5 R” was confirmed to be “Persona 5: The Royal” which featured a red-haired girl as a character in the series. The character was not seen on the first “Persona 5” entry. Fans predicted that it would be an improved version of the main game that allows users to play a female protagonist.

Meanwhile, the “Persona 5 S” is about to be revealed in an upcoming “Persona” concert this April 25. The title is said to be for Nintendo Switch, and fans predict that the “Persona 5 S” actually means “Persona 5 Switch.”

While Atlus and Sega have yet to release a statement about this leak, the reveal for this title is just a few weeks away. Regardless if it’s a Switch exclusive, first release or the "Smash" DLC, fans are eagerly waiting to know what this game is about.