Prince Charles
Prince Charles still talks to his dearly departed relatives. Pictured: Prince Charles talks with staff as he visits the London Ambulance Service Headquarters to meet staff from across the organisation, on October 25, 2018 in London, England. Getty Images/Frank Augstein-WPA Pool

Prince Charles reportedly speaks to his dead relatives to keep their spirit alive.

The shocking claim is discussed in Robert Jobson’s book “The Real Charles.” The royal correspondent said that the future king still speaks to his departed relatives so that he will always remember them in his heart.

Three years ago, Prince Charles went on a pilgrimage to the spot where his great uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, was assassinated by IRA criminal thugs. During his visit, he said, “It’s been a long time. I never thought it would happen.”

“At that time, I could not imagine how we would come to terms with the anguish of such a deep loss. Through this dreadful experience, I now understand in a profound way the agonies borne by others on these islands – of whatever faith or political persuasion,” he said (via Express).

In his book, Jobson wrote, “To this day, in quieter, solitary moments, he talks to his departed loved ones, and in that way keeps Mountbatten and many other dearly departed spirits alive in his heart.”

Jobson also talked about Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s relationship in his book and said that the former didn’t really want to wed the latter, but did so because it felt like it was a call to duty.

Prince Charles also found Princess Diana’s alarming mood and irrational mood swings and temper tantrums impossible to deal with.

“I desperately wanted to get out of the wedding in 1981, when during the engagement I discovered just how awful the prospects were, having had no chance whatsoever to get to know Diana beforehand,” he said.

Prince Charles and Princess Diana only went out 12 times before they tied the knot. They wed at St. Paul’s Cathedral in 1981 and announced their separation in 1992. Four years later, their divorce was finalized. Princess Diana passed away in 1997 following a fatal car crash in Paris.