Typical Cinco de Mayo guacamole dips consist of avocados, chiles, onions, tomatoes and salt, but there’s always room for creativity. Creative Commons

It's a pass on peas, right?

An otherwise innocuous guacomole recipe from the New York Times sparked Internet outrage Wednesday with its inclusion of an unconventional ingredient: peas. Yes, peas.

“Peas add intense sweetness and a chunky texture to the dip,” Melissa Clark explained, and peas help to keep guacamole a bright green.

As a result of such blasphemy, the Internet had a collective freak-out that even saw political foes uniting in protest.

Gaucamole dates back to the time of the Aztecs and it generally made with five ingredients: avocado, onion, chiles, tomato and salt. Avocados are a nutrient-rich food, packed with vitamins A, C and E. During the 2015 Super Bowl, it was estimated that 240 million avocados -- or 120 million pounds of the fruit -- were consumed, primarily in guacamole.

No word on how many peas were consumed.