Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II disliked Margaret Thatcher for a number of reasons. Pictured: The Queen is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on November 30, 2017 in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson

Queen Elizabeth wasn’t keen on having a female prime minister, a biography has claimed.

In “The War of the Windsors,” Lynn Pickett, Clive Prince and Stephen Prior revealed that Her Majesty was a traditionalist at heart. As such, she disapproved of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, and she also found her personal style abrasive.

Royal expert Sarah Bradford also claimed that the Queen and Thatcher’s supporters always thought that the two women got along very well. However, this only appeared to be the case because Her Majesty was professional and correct in her relations with all prime ministers. But in private, the monarch referred to Thatcher as “that woman.”

In “The Queen and Mrs. Thatcher: An Inconvenient Relationship,” author Dean Palmer said that the first time the two women met each other, they instantly disliked each other. Thatcher’s entire character was also an anathema to the Queen.

The Queen also reportedly mocked Thatcher’s accent and described it as a Royal Shakespeare’s pronunciation from circa 1950. Thatcher, on the other hand, also loathed her visits to Balmoral and called those moments as a “tedious waste of time.”

“For over a decade, they quietly waged a war against each other on both a personal and political stage, disagreeing on key issues including sanctions against South Africa, the miners’ strike, and allowing US planes to bomb Libya using British military bases. Elizabeth found the means to snub and undermine her prime minister through petty class put-downs and press leaks,” Palmer claimed.

One of the Queen’s favorite mimicry had to the do with Thatcher visiting an old people’s home. When she visited the same facility, the Queen copied Thatcher’s accent while shaking the hands of an elderly resident.

Her Majesty and Thatcher also met every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m., but the latter irritated the former by arriving too early. During their conversations, the former prime minister would sit on the edge of her hair and would refuse to listen to the Queen.

Thatcher also loved to give lectures including to the Queen, which the monarch did not like.