Maya Shwayder

541-570 (out of 587)

Maya covers the U.N., Europe, and the Middle East for IBTimes. She joined the company in July 2012 after having previously worked with and Gawker.

She hails from Detroit, and has spent time living in The Netherlands and Italy.

Maya holds a bachelor's from Harvard in psychology and Italian language and literature, and a master's in journalism from Columbia.

Maya Shwayder

Russia Warns UN Not To Pull Out Of Syria

The Russian Foreign Ministry released a statement on Thursday telling the UN not to pull out of Syria, as a UN departure would have "extremely negative consequences" for Syria. But Russian intentions in this case may not be entirely diplomatic.

US Treasury Lifts Sanctions Against Former Syrian PM Riyad Hijab

The US Treasury announced that they are unfreezing the assets of former Syrian Prime Minister Riyad Hijab as a direct result of his defection from Syria. Hijab has been an outspoken opponent of Bashar al-Assad's regime since his resignation and flight to Jordan at the beginning of August.

Ryan Republican VP Nomination May Not Attract Jewish-American Vote

Mitt Romney's close ties with Benjamin Netanyahu and his trip to Israel were supposed to attract more Jewish-American votes this fall. But Paul Ryan's proposed budget cuts to Social Security and Medicare might push some senior citizen Jewish-American Florida residents back into the Obama column.

Japan And South Korea Lock Horns Over Islands, China Steers Clear

A visit from the South Korean president to some islands in the Sea of Japan has sparked a small flame war in an ongoing territorial dispute. The big fish in the pool, China, is steering clear of this one, despite its entanglement in island disputes with many other countries in the area.
