Star Wars
The "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" TV spot features new footage as well as more hints at a family link between characters from the original series and some being introduced in the upcoming film in the famous franchise. Lucasfilm

After almost a year of keeping any and all information about “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” a big secret, Disney and Lucasfilm have released more new footage just days after the surprise release of the film’s international trailer. Like the previously released footage, the new video features more hints at a family connection between two characters.

According to The Verge, the latest release was first posted online by Twitter on its official account. However, it marks the first TV spot to run before the much-anticipated film hits theaters Dec. 18. Fortunately for fans, it includes much more than some footage from the previously released trailers cut together in a 30-second commercial. Like the international trailer, it heavily teases one key plot detail -- the relationship between the characters Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Han Solo (Harrison Ford).

As previously reported, there’s strong evidence, particularly in the international trailer, that seems to confirm a popular fan theory that the new character is actually the long lost daughter of Han Solo and Leia (Carrie Fisher). If true, the twist would make her uncle the yet-to-be-seen Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and help usher an entirely new generation of people into the “Star Wars” mythology. The TV spot continues that trend, thanks to an ominous voiceover by Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o, who plays Maz Kanata in the upcoming film.

“I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people,” she says. “I see your eyes. I know your eyes.”

Vanity Fair notes the apparaent emphasis on the concept of family with the line, presenting the idea that the person Kanata is addressing has parents who are familiar to the people of this universe. Since Han Solo, Leia and Skywalker almost single-handedly destroyed the evil empire in the original trilogy, many believe this is further evidence that Rey's family history dates back as far as the previous films. Viewers will have to watch the trailer, below, to see it for themselves, but the editing strongly implies that the speaker is addressing Rey.

The new TV Spot, while heavy on hints that Rey is the daughter of Han and Leia, also contained a few new shots from the movie, the most interesting being a fearful Han Solo joining Rey and her new friend Finn (John Boyega) on an icy planet of some sort. Those who have been paying attention to the potential spoilers leaked from the set of the film may have a good idea what's scaring the grizzled war hero, but audiences will just have to wait until “Star Wars: the Force Awakens” opens to find out for sure.