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Mourners clap for Yaser Raqieh, who was killed near Hama by forces loyal to regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Assad Forces Accused Of New Massacre; 78 Dead Near Hama

Syrian troops and militiamen loyal to President Bashar al-Assad stood accused by opponents Thursday of a new massacre of scores of villagers, hours before the United Nations Security Council convenes again review the crisis.
Assad Ahmadinejad

What Are Iranian Special Forces Doing In Syria?

Iran has finally admitted, though not officially, that its top military force is operating in Syria. But how are the elite soldiers of the Quds Force helping the Assad regime? And what will they do as the crisis develops?
US Public Policy

US Still Trying To Recover From Three 2001-2008 Public Policy Mistakes

Tea Party members and other conservatives would like Americans to believe that the United States? problems started in 2009, but nothing could be further from the truth. Three major policy errors by President George W. Bush last decade substantially worsened the U.S.?s fiscal condition, and the nation has been trying to recover ever since.
Syria blasts

Romney Opens New Front In Critique Of Obama: Syria

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has opened a new front in his critique of President Obama's foreign policy, assailing the president's lack of leadership on Syria and calling for the United States to arm the Syrian opposition.


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