Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Kate Middleton
Prince William, Prince George, Kate Middleton and Princess Charlotte arrive at the Victoria Airport on Sept. 24, 2016 in Victoria, Canada. Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Kate Middleton has seemingly stopped holding Prince George in public compared to when the future king was much younger.

On the online forum site Quora, royal fans are wondering why this has been the case. Some of them even claimed that Prince Louis may be Middleton’s new favorite because she’s always carrying her youngest child.

But several others came to the Duchess of Cambridge’s defense and said that Prince George is turning 6 years old this month. It would be weird if Middleton would still carry her eldest child especially when they are in public.

Prince William doesn’t carry Prince George either, and he is believed to be physically stronger than his wife. And the royal couple no longer carries their second child either. Princess Charlotte turned 4 years old in May.

Shelli King, an avid anglophile, said that it is just normal for Prince George to assert some independence from his parents.

“I doubt he wants to be carried – especially not in public. He’s a big boy now! Princess Charlotte is [four]… I doubt she wants to be held in public much either,” she said.

Pauline Toop, a resident of the United Kingdom, said that Prince George was carried in public by both of his parents when he was much younger. In fact, there are tons of photos to prove this.

“He is the eldest of three and as such, I can hear him saying something like, ‘I’m a big boy now, I don’t need carrying or hand holding!’ Even Princess Charlotte, now she has a younger brother, will only want to be picked up occasionally and will try to avoid holding hands,” she said.

Middleton gave birth to Prince Louis last year, which means that he is just 1-year-old. As such, it is just natural for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to still assist their youngest child while he’s outdoors. But since Prince Louis can already walk on his own, he is also given the opportunity to explore by himself.