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Roberto said he owned a home, store and car, but left everything behind to flee gangs

Haiti Church Takes In Hundreds Fleeing Gang Violence

Over a year and a half since Haiti's rampant gang violence upended her life, Philomene Dayiti longs for nothing more than leaving the Port-au-Prince church where she has taken refuge with hundreds of others and returning home.
A handout satellite image courtesy of Maxar Technologies shows the US-built temporary aid pier on the Gaza coast on May 18, 2024

Biden Says 'Disappointed' With Troubled Gaza Aid Pier

The $230-million military pier has repeatedly been detached from the shore because of weather conditions since its initial installation in mid-May. The project also faced issues with the distribution of assistance due to conditions onshore.
US President Joe Biden meets with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the NATO Summit in Washington

At NATO Summit, Allies Delicately Lend Hand To Gaffing Biden

President Joe Biden called his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, "President Putin," but quickly corrected himself, and Zelensky promptly made light of the gaffe, saying, "I am better than Putin." But the momentary lapse quickly revived memories of Biden's debate two weeks earlier against Trump.


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