• National Toilet Paper Day is observed on Aug. 26 each year
  • Toilet paper started being sold in the U.S. in 1857 in the form of loose flat sheets of paper
  • Today, the U.S. consumes more toilet paper than any other country

It's National Toilet Paper Day! While it may seem like a bizarre holiday, this essential item and its importance are celebrated each year on Aug. 26.

Toilet paper has been an essential item for households across America for decades now. It started being sold in the country in 1857 but in the form of loose flat sheets of paper rather than the rolls now commonly found in most bathrooms.

Today, the U.S. consumes more toilet paper than any other country, almost three rolls per person each week, according to a 2019 report from and the National Resources Defense Council. That's 141 rolls of toilet paper per capita each year!

To mark National Toilet Paper Day 2021 this Thursday, here are 14 hilarious bathroom jokes that you can tell your friends, courtesy of,, Beano and Reddit.

1. Today I was asked to go out, by 20 girls.

I was in the women’s bathroom.

2. If you're Russian when you go to the bathroom and Finnish when you come out, what are you while in the bathroom?


3. Why did Piglet go to the bathroom?

To search for Poo

4. Why are toilet papers bad at texting?

They never re-ply on time.

5. Man: Do we need more toilet paper?

Woman: I don’t know, but if you buy some it wouldn’t go to waste.

Man: Well, technically, it would.

6. There are two reasons you shouldn’t drink from the toilet.

Number one and number two!

7. Why does Queen Elizabeth only play poker on the toilet?

Because that way, she’s guaranteed a royal flush!

8. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

The “p” is silent.

9. Still no toilet paper at the store today.

They’re wiped out.

10. Did you hear about the film “Constipated”?

It never came out.

11. A man has to poop and has no toilet paper so his friend says to wipe with a dollar.

He comes back with poop on his fingers.

The friend asks, “Why is there poop on your fingers?”

He replies, “It’s hard to wipe with 3 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickel!”

12. What did one toilet say to the other?

You look flushed!

13. Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?

To get to the bottom.

14. What did Spock encounter in the Enterprise toilet?

The captain's log.

Near-empty shelves of toilet paper in a Melbourne supermarket
Near-empty shelves of toilet paper in a Melbourne supermarket. The U.S. may see a replay of 2020's toilet paper shortage as demand has increased and manufacturers work to ramp up production. AFP / William WEST