In an unfortunate incident, an acrobat plunged 30 feet to the floor after her foot slipped from a swing during Zippos Circus Show at Winter Wonderland in London's Hyde Park on Sunday.

The acrobat, identified as 35-year-old Jackie Armstrong, was performing with “no actual harness” when she slipped and she fell on the floor.

“She was yelping in agony, it was traumatic as she bounced as she hit the floor. There was an announcement after a minute or two to all leave,” a witness told Mail Online.

The tent was cleared and Armstrong, a mother-of-one, was rushed to a nearby hospital. Her condition was, however, not known.

Speaking to the Sun Online, another witness said, “It was horrific. I thought it was part of the act but when she didn't get back up I knew something was wrong. A group of people ran on to help her and people were shouting for a paramedic. I thought I heard her scream or wail, so hopefully she is conscious. But it looked terrible. People in the audience were coming out crying. There were quite a lot of kids as well.”

Confirming the incident, a spokesman of Zippos Circus Show said, “The female British artist, Jackie Armstrong, performs an aerial act and is a highly experienced circus artist with 10 years in the ring. Jackie was immediately attended to on the scene by first aiders and an ambulance called. She was taken to hospital by ambulance and further information on the nature of her injuries is awaited. Immediately following the incident, audience members were asked to leave the Big Top and offered tickets for the next performance that evening.”

Rambo Circus
An acrobat walks on a safety net after a show at the Rambo Circus in Mumbai, November 9, 2011. REUTERS