Celebrated comedy actor Bill Murray attended this year's NFC Championship game in Chicago and pushed a fan of the Green Bay Packers.

The picture, taken by a friend of the fan who was pushed, Matt Katrosar, was taken during the second quarter of Sunday's game. Here's the story, via BlackBook.com:

Matt Katrosar flew to Chicago last weekend to hang out with some of his Windy City pals and attend the Bears/Packers NFL playoff game. He was wearing a Green Bay jersey (in support of old-school Packers legend Ray Nitschke) amid a sea of Chicago blue. During the 2nd quarter, Matt celebrated a considerably good play on the part of Green Bay with the usual hootin' and hollerin' reserved for such moments. That's when he was blatantly shoved from behind. Turning to catch a glimpse of his assailant, he discovered his pusher was none other than Bill Murray, a huge Chicago Bears fan, who was unapologetically enjoying the moment.

Matt's friend managed to capture a photo of Murray in mid-celebration, laughing at the rival fans. Naturally, Matt wanted a picture with the legendary actor. Murray's response to his request? Nitschke is a [slang term for a woman's genitalia].

This is the latest in a series of bizarre public incidents between Murray members of the public at large, but, while crass and unnecessary--unless you're a Bears fan--it is hardly the strangest.