Spice Girls
Spice Girl members (from left) Melanie Brown, Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton and Melanie Chisholm are seen arriving for the premiere of the musical "Viva Forever!", based on their music, in London in 2012. Reuters/Toby Melville/Files

When the Spice Girls revealed that they would be touring in 2019, fans all over the world rejoiced for the upcoming reunion. The only problem was that it was a U.K and Ireland-only tour. However, it appears that that could all be changing in the near future.

According to Music News, manager Simon Fuller revealed that a decision will be made “soon” pertaining to whether or not the group plans on touring other parts of the world. “That is really up to the girls,” Fuller stated. “I’d say it’s 50-50; if it happens, great. If it doesn’t, then it’s all been good.”

The recent tour has been quite the success, too, according to Forbes. It began in Dublin, Ireland, with an opening night of 70,000 people. That concert marked the first show they had played since the closing ceremony at the Olympics in 2012. Ticketmaster U.K. reported that sales for the upcoming shows shattered records once the announcements were officially made and that all remaining dates are practically sold out.

While the potential lack of global dates may come as unwelcome uncertainty for fans of the Spice Girls all over the world, there is also a positive development. Another report noted that Fuller discussed considering a cartoon movie revolving around the group. He was quoted as saying that they were “more focused on the animated side of things,” because it would have a more fun and youthful vibe to it.

Fans everywhere will embrace whatever the girls ultimately decide to do, but hopefully, they will chart new territory and bring their fun and colorful spectacle to different places around the globe. I know one of their concerts is certainly where I "Wannabe".