Ubisoft talks about some seemingly hidden details on “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” and other in-game features that players are now beginning to discover. Some of these are the way Eivor wears his assassin’s blade and how the loot system affects the game.

The first detail that was added to the game was the blade. According to Gamespot, fans have been noticing that the protagonist, the Viking assassin Eivor, had been wearing his weapon on top of the forearm, while a traditional Assassin from the franchise would conceal the weapon under the forearm. The developers have explained that there is a reason behind Eivor’s choice of fashion.

Developers at Ubisoft decided that part after taking into consideration the game protagonist's perceived culture as well as the overall ‘tone’ of the game. They said the manner of holding the blade at the bottom of the forearm was part of the Viking culture.

"It is a deliberate decision. It's something that Eivor feels very strongly about. When he or she gets a hold of this hidden blade, it occurs to Eivor that it would be much more interesting to let people see this weapon, to be conspicuous about it," Assassin's Creed Valhalla narrative director Darby McDevitt said on Twitter. "Vikings were known as having a sense of honor and it was very important that when you killed somebody, that you let people know that you killed them."

As for the loot system, it has been remade as a response to how players have reacted to past titles like “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.” According to Metro UK, players have complained about the game’s handling of loot drops, and how the best loots were only gained after much grinding.

Ubisoft said that they had addressed this, and that “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” will feature some of the most unique and upgradeable loots in the franchise’s history. Instead of being random, like the ones found in past “Assassin’s Creed” titles, the loot system in Valhalla will be useable in other parts of the game, including near the end, through extensive upgrades.

Attention to small details like this should help the game become a hit with players wanting more from the series. For instance, Eivor’s not-so-hidden blade doesn’t need to be upgraded in order to perform instant kills on high-grade targets. Improvements such as a larger overworld, encompassing the entirety of England and parts of Norway, will help maintain interest among players even after the lockdown.

'Assassin's Creed Valhalla' puts players in the role of a powerful Viking.
'Assassin's Creed Valhalla' puts players in the role of a powerful Viking. Ubisoft