Frequent flyers often have to keep track of their flights for any problems and issues that could happen to their trip. Delays are the worst, and going to the airport only to be informed it was cancelled due to some problems can cause headaches for everybody involved. Fortunately, the iPhone has flight tracking apps to stay updated with flights and any potential issues.


This app provides users with information about flights down to a tee. Flight details such as airline details, speed, and even its altitude will be listed in this free app. Users can also find flights just flying overhead and check out its details immediately.

While the app can be downloaded for free, it also has a premium Gold version which costs $3.99 per month. More details such as weather patterns, flight paths, and even aeronautical chart histories.


For a more simple app, FlightAware is a good fit for travelers. It has many flight tracking tools and easy to use as well. Simply searching the flight you want and tracking it would show you its status in real time.

The app will also show updates if the flight has been delayed which is great for flyers waiting for the plane. Immediately knowing if the flight is delayed or cancelled is crucial to save time, money, and effort when traveling for greater efficiency.

App In The Air

If going for a more organized app with these flight details, App In The Air is the way to go for your iPhone. Unlike other flight tracking apps, this app presents itself in a simple yet not too boring way of showing flight details to its users.

While flights can easily be searched through this app, users can also set up some notifications for specific flights if needed to be reminded of important announcements such as delays and cancellations.


This app is new and it shows in its fresh and interactive design for these types of apps. Once you’ve found your flight, Flighty will immediately update its users of any updates by the second which the app advertises itself.

More than simply searching and tracking your flight, the app also comes with a delay prediction system which shows chances of your flight getting delayed. This is handy for flyers that are worried for any problems they’re already seeing to affect their flights.

iPhone XR store wipe
Pictured: An employee cleans an iPhone Apple XR during the press visit of the new Apple Store Champs-Elysees on November 15, 2018 in Paris, France. Getty Images/Chesnot