Bill Cosby
Bill Cosby arrives for sentencing for his sexual assault trial at the Montgomery County Courthouse on Sept. 25, 2018, in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Getty Images/Gilbert Carrasquillo

Inmate Bill Cosby has been living the high life while in prison and is being treated like the “No. 1” prisoner behind bars during his sentence. Cosby is serving three to 10 years for the drugging and sexual assault of Andrea Constand.

While in prison, Cosby has reportedly been dining on bonus commissary orders as he refuses to eat the prison’s food. He is also allowed to watch TV in his cell and has access to his emails through a personal tablet while he refuses to work at the prison’s minimum wages of 40 cents per hour, Radar Online reported.

“In jail, Mr. Cosby is No. 1,” Phil DiPietro, a former inmate at the SCI-Phoenix prison told the news outlet. “You wouldn’t believe the luxuries afforded to him. He has more privacy and help than if he was back living at his estate!”

Reportedly Cosby has been eating a variety of commissary food that includes everything from cheese to turkey bacon and even smokes Punch Double Corona cigars from Cuba while he enjoys extra yard time and private phone conversations, according to the news outlet.

Cosby was also named the most popular inmate in prison due to his notoriety. He has won over the guards and inmates and has claimed that prison is an “amazing experience” through his public spokesperson Andrew Wyatt.