• The Elves enter the current arc
  • Noelle meets Patolli, Fana, Vetto and Rhya
  • "Black Clover" Chapter 265 is set to release Friday

Nacht, Asta, Yuno and the others prepare to invade the Spade Kingdom and rescue Captain Yami Sukehiro and William Vangeance. "Black Clover" Chapter 265 will likely showcase the Elves in action after a long time.

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The last page of the previous chapter hypes things up for fans as Noelle wakes up to see the Elves – Patolli, Fana, Rhya and Vetto. "Black Clover" Chapter 265 is expected to reveal how the Elves can help Noelle, Asta, and others find Yami and Vangeance.

In the last chapter, Nacht reveals they will use his magic to infiltrate the castle without getting noticed. He explains they will raid the castle and ambush the Dark Triad – Dante, Vanica and Zenon.

The Dark Triad members are extremely powerful. Dante can use his gravity and body magic while Vanica has blood and curse-warding magic and Zenon is the one with bone and spatial magic.

Yuno recalls his encounter with Zenon and becomes angry. Meanwhile, Nacht reveals his magic won’t let him take several fighters along. He needs to choose the best fighters who have the highest chance of winning against the enemy.

Jack the Ripper wants Nacht to choose the individuals from the captains. Yuno intervenes and asks Nacht to consider taking him too. Jack blasts Yuno and ridicules him for losing once already and there is no chance Nacht will pick him.

During the chapter, Nacht reveals there is a resistance force inside the Spade Kingdom fighting against the Dark Triad. One of the members of the force is staying at Yuno’s place. Yuno reveals he was a prince of the Spade Kingdom shocking the captains and Asta.

Yuno explains he was evacuated to the Clover Kingdom after the rebellion at the Spade Kingdom broke out. He adds that the person at his place worked for the old Spade royal family.

Yuno believes the person should know all about the Spades and the castle’s design and layout. However, Jack is angry and thinks it is a terrible idea as he can be a hostile spy.

Nacht decides to give Yuno a chance and enlists him for the mission. The Black Bulls vice-captain informs everyone that they will leave in two days and he will share the details of the plan later.

"Black Clover" Chapter 265 is scheduled to release Friday. The digital version of the manga chapter will be out on Manga Plus and Viz.

"Black Clover Quartet Knights"
"Black Clover Quartet Knights" steamXO/Flickr/