hallmark christmas order
Jonathan Bennett and Alexa PenaVega star in Hallmark’s “Christmas Made to Order.” Crown Media / Fred Hayes

Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas 2018 might be winding down, but it’s not over just yet. There are still a few premieres left, including Sunday’s “Christmas Made to Order,” starring Alexa PenaVega and Jonathan Bennett.

While PenaVega’s led quite a few films on the network already, including “Love at Sea” earlier this year, this will be Bennett’s first time headlining a Hallmark movie. The “Mean Girls” actor co-starred in 2017’s “Love at First Glance,” as well as 2010’s “Elevator Girl,” but now he’s taking on a leading role opposite PenaVega.

What will their Hallmark Christmas movie be all about? Well, let’s see.

“Gretchen (PenaVega) works for a catalogue company but in her spare time decks the halls of homes and companies via her side business, Holidays Made to Order,” the synopsis begins. “While decorating a lobby, she accidentally showers architect Steven (Bennett) in artificial snow and he grumpily claims that while he likes Christmas, he doesn’t see the need for all the hoopla. But when Steven learns he’ll be hosting this year’s family celebration, he hires Gretchen to be his Christmas connoisseur, and in no time, his parents, sister, brother-in-law, and niece are treating Gretchen like part of the family.”

The synopsis continues: “Watching them enjoy the holiday, Steven finally joins in, becoming smitten with Gretchen as well. As they grow close, the two confide their true passions; he admitting he’d rather design homes than buildings; and she, revealing she wants to do Holidays Made to Order full time. Proving he fully supports her, Steven asks his firm to offer Gretchen a year-round decorator job, but she feels she’ll be stifled and declines.”

Really wanting to have her on board, he doubles the offer to Gretchen, but that only makes her feel like he only cares about her as an employee and nothing more. Steven will have to find a way to prove to Gretchen his true feelings for her before he loses her for good.

Sam Irvin directed the movie from a script by Matt Marx and Anna White.

“Christmas Made to Order” debuts on Hallmark Channel on Sunday at 8 p.m. EST.