Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on Nov. 30, 2017, in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson

Queen Elizabeth II has four children with her husband, Prince Philip. But what if the monarch donated an egg to an infertile woman?

On the royal forum site Quora, some royal fans discussed whether the Queen’s “child” would have a place in the order of succession if Her Majesty simply gave her egg to a woman who couldn’t get pregnant.

John Poole, an economics graduate at Swansea University, said that the Queen’s child wouldn’t have any claim to the throne if she just donated her egg to someone else. As such, Prince Charles would still be the heir to the throne, and his eldest child would follow in his footsteps.

“The problem is that they wouldn’t legally be part of the royal family because they would be adopted out of it. The child would belong to the adoptive family and would have no legal claim through inheritance or any property or chattel goods when any member of the royal family passes away,” he said.

Poole said that it is highly unlikely for the throne to be passed on to someone who is not an official member of the royal family.

Meanwhile, royal fans are also wondering when Prince Charles’ coronation would take place after the Queen dies. Jacky Pearcey, who works at Liberal Democratic Politicians, said that the dad of two will immediately be named King, but it would take time before his coronation could take place.

“Coronations are big state events which take a lot of planning. Usually, there is a delay between a new monarch succeeding and their coronation… Firstly, a decent period of time must elapse first for the funeral of the previous monarch and there are various etiquette rules as to how long the royal family will be expected to wear full mourning and then half-mourning clothes,” she said.

Elizabeth Anne Nield said that Prince Charles doesn’t need to be crowned first to be King. The coronation is just a formality.