She has been seeing her deceased husband’s face at points and figured it was a coping mechanism as she deals with other stress, but Gabi will be in for the shock of her life after she sees a real person who looks exactly like Stefan on the Thursday, April 30 episode of “Days of Our Lives.”

Gabi (Camila Banus) has been going through a lot lately, which has seen her hallucinating and seeing Stefan (Brandon Barash) around, even though she knows her husband is long dead on the NBC soap. However, after getting a blow from Rafe (Galen Gering) that indicated he didn’t believe her when she said she was not responsible for Abigail’s (Kate Mansi) drugging, she will get the shock of her life as she reaches the town square—and sees Stefan in person, in front of Gabi Chic.

“Gabi faints when she sees ‘Stefan,’” spoilers reveal.

Seeing what appears to be him in person will undoubtedly be a shock for Gabi, which will lead to the fainting. However, when the man himself comes to help her up, she will likely learn quickly that it isn’t Stefan, but Jake, a mechanic who recently surfaced in town that Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) when he went to inquire about a job and parts to fix Ciara’s (Victoria Konefal) motorcycle.

Seeing Jake was jarring enough for Ben to deal with, so it will certainly be something that has an effect on Gabi as well.

Of course, she may also have a negative reaction to him as well, thinking it could be just a cruel joke someone is playing on her to make her life feel like it is falling apart even more. No matter how she reacts, after Gabi comes to, her life may never be the same again.

“Days of Our Lives” airs weekdays on NBC.

Days of Our Lives
Gabi (Camila Banus, not pictured) faints when she sees “Stefan” (Brandon Barash) on the April 30, 2020 episode of “Days of Our Lives.” XJ Johnson/JPI Studios for NBC