Kojima Productions has recently introduced a trailer that explains some sense of the upcoming game and its possible release date. While the PS4 version is going to arrive in November, there are hints that the game could also be released on other platforms. Here’s what we know about this new update so far.

According to PC Gamer, many clues are hinting at a possible PC release. For one, the latest “Death Stranding” trailer is said to be missing the “Only On PlayStation” tag. The tag is mostly put on games that are strictly exclusive to the platform and will not be released on other platforms unless a new announcement is made. One of “Death Stranding’s” E3 trailers previously showed that the title was going to be PS4 exclusive.

For now, we’ll have to wait on the upcoming E3 2019 for any new information that may show up despite Sony’s absence on the show.

History would tell us that some PS4 exclusive games were never announced to come to other platforms but were released on PC anyway. In addition, Quantic Dream, known for many narrative-driven games on the Sony platform, has recently started releasing some of its games on PC. “Heavy Rain,” “Beyond: Two Souls,” and “Detroit: Become Human” will all be available on PC through the Epic Games Store soon.

Previously, “Detroit: Become Human” had the “Exclusive on PlayStation” tag on one of its Youtube trailers. While Quantic Dream and Kojima Productions are two different companies, a “Death Stranding” PC version may come soon but at a much later date than the PS4 release.

Moreover, Sony’s original deal with Kojima Productions was to also have a PC version of “Death Stranding” last 2015. Director Hideo Kojima has worked with companies such as Guerilla Games to build the upcoming game for almost three years now. The development of the game was mostly vague even if the company showed trailers about its setting and story. It’s possible that the contract for “Death Stranding’s” PS4 exclusivity could have changed this year.

For now, we can only wait for the game’s release on the PS4 and a few more months after to know if Kojima Productions is really willing to push it out on more platforms.