• Hyunckel and Crocodine are about to get executed
  • "Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai" Episode 65 is airing Saturday
  • Crunchyroll and Hull are streaming the episodes

Crocodine and Hyunckel faced execution in Loroi Valley in "Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai" Episode 65. The new episode is called "The Dark Hyunckel."

The official promo trailer of Episode 65 is out. Hyunckel and Crocodine are set to be executed. Meanwhile, the Vearn Palace appears and Mystvearn comes to meet with Hyunckel.

Mystvearn makes use of Dark Aura in an attempt to make Hyunckel his slave. Can Crocodine and Hyunckel escape this ordeal in "Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai" Episode 65?

The trailer shows Mystvearn’s Dark Aura torturing Hyunckel compelling him to get in on the dark side.

In the previous episode, titled "The Night Before The Battle," Dai was excited to get back his sword. He thanked Lon Beruk for getting back his blade.

However, Dai knew in order to use the full potential of the Sword of Dai, he needed to get stronger than ever. Lon Beruk informed him that he did a little tinkering with his sword.

He explained his blade remained like before but, in battle, he can exhibit far greater power. He handed Dai a scroll containing a way to activate more power from the blade.

For some reason, Dai chose not to read the contents of the scroll. Later, Lon Beruk asked if Hyunckel was captured.

“Lon Beruk brings the restored Sword of Dai and new weapons. The group renews its resolve. Maam is shaken by Amy’s feelings for Hyunckel and Popp is frustrated his Insignia of Avan won’t shine. As the final battle approaches, things grow shaky...,” read the official synopsis of "Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai" Episode 64 as per Crunchyroll.

The cast of the anime includes Atsumi Tanezaki as Dai, Hiroyuki Yoshino as Killvearn, Kiyono Yasuno as Marin, Kazuhiro Yamaji as Matliff, Yuuki Kaji as Hyunckel, Yui Ishikawa as Amy, Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Popp, Tomokazu Seki as Hadlar, Tomoaki Maeno as Crocodine, Takaya Hashi as Vearn, Takehito Koyasu as Myst-Vearn, Takahiro Sakurai as Avan, Saori Hayami as Leona, Mikako Komatsu as Maam and Takahiro Sakurai as Avan.

"Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai" Episode 65 is scheduled for release Saturday. The episode will be out on Crunchyroll and Hulu.

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