Joe Biden
In this photo Biden looks on during the celebrations after the Philadelphia Eagles win over the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Feb. 4, 2018. Getty Images/ Kevin C. Cox

Donald Trump filed his paperwork for re-election as U.S. president the day after being sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2017. In Florida on Tuesday, Trump formally announced his run for re-election in a state where he has a 51 percent disapproval rating, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll.

The Quinnipiac University poll of Florida voters released Monday reveals former Vice President Joseph Biden beating Trump 50 percent to 41 percent. Biden leads 58 to 34 percent among women, while men go 49 percent for Trump and 42 percent for Biden.

Biden leads 79 to 9 percent among black voters and 57 to 32 percent among Hispanic voters. On the other hand, Trump leads 52 to 42 percent among white voters. Biden leads 91 to 3 percent among Democrats and 54 to 32 percent among independent voters. Republicans support Trump 90 to 7 percent.

Biden's support is strongest among moderate and conservative Democratic voters. In this group, 51 percent said they'll support Biden in the primary while 52 percent of those older than 50 said they would.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) led Trump 48 percent to 42 percent in the Quinnipiac poll taken from June 12 to 17 that surveyed 1,279 Florida voters.

Matchups between Trump and the leading Democratic contenders, while too close to call, all show Trump on the losing end.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) beats Trump 47 to 43 percent. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) wins at 45 to 44 percent; former Texas Representative Beto O'Rourke has a 45 to 44 edge over Trump; and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg wins 44 to 43 percent. All this despite trump choosing to announce his re-election bid in the state.

"Vice President Biden is the big winner in this poll,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “He leads the Democratic pack by a considerable margin and he runs best of the Democratic candidates when matched up with President Trump.”

Brown noted Biden's 41 percent share of the Democratic primary vote is three times that of the second place contender, Sen. Sanders.

He said Trump "trails both former Vice President Joseph Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders in general election matchups and basically ties other leading Democratic challengers. While most Florida voters are feeling better financially, President Trump remains underwater with a 44 percent job approval rating and a 51 percent disapproval rating."

About half of Florida voters told the pollsters they've been paying a lot of attention to the presidential campaign, with 51% of Republicans and 59% of Democrats saying so.

TV comedian Stephen Colbert on his highly rated show, "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," took notice of Trump’s choice of Florida.

“It makes sense he'd do it in the home of Disney cause his ideas are goofy and his base is snow white,” quipped Colbert to loud laughter and applause from the audience.