Four-Year-Old Catches 33-Pound Catfish Using 'Frozen' Themed Fishing Pole

Josie, an adorable 4-year-old displayed amazing angling skills after reeling in a 33-pound flathead. She used a Disney "Frozen" themed pole which her father had rigged with a 50-pound line.
Josie only weighs 30 pounds according to her mother, so the fish outweighed her, but she was excited about the catch.
Josie was fishing with her cousins and parents at the time in the Delavan area last week when she made the huge catch.
With some help from her father, she was able to reel the catfish in. He gave her instructions on how to hold the line as illustrated in the video footage, which has gotten over 136,000 views on YouTube.
Nervous but excited for the big moment in purple floaties and an oversized hair bow, Josie shrieked as they both reeled in the big catfish.
With the scoop of a large net, the family then pulled the catfish onto the dock, and Josie celebrated her accomplishment.
She yelled she wanted to touch the fish and recoiled at how slimy it was, though she was delighted at its dimensions. Sizing up the find, she even stretched herself out next to the creature so she could compare their sizes. She was pleased to note she was at least taller than the catfish.
Congratulated effusively by the family and others on social media, the youngster was in awe of her impressive catch. She could not believe it.
Her dad jokingly stated they could now go and catch sharks.
It is not the first instance this year a child or minor has shown unprecedented kill and luck catching a big fish.
Earlier in July, a teen girl from Massachusetts caught a 700-pound Bluefin Tuna also with the help of her father. They took turns reeling the fish in for 10 hours.
The teen claimed she and her father would switch reeling tasks for the fish every 45 minutes. Bluefins allegedly take only two and a half hours to bring in, but this was an exceptionally large fish.
Her father had also caught his first tuna at the age of 13, so it brought a competitive theme between her and her brother because it was a family thing.
The same may have been replicated with Bosie and her cousins as the 33-pound catfish would inspire future angling competitions. The purpose would be to beat her record as they age into their teens and gain more experience.