• Razor works best as a physical damage dealer in "Genshin Impact"
  • Use Gladiator's Finale with high attack stats for his artifacts
  • Equip either the Wolf's Gravestone or Prototype Archaic as his main weapon 

Mondstadt’s resident wolf boy has more than enough tricks up his sleeve to make him a top-tier character in “Genshin Impact.” Like Beidou, Razor is a claymore-wielding Electro unit, but instead of patiently parrying enemy blows, Razor focuses on pressing his own attacks and keeping up his momentum to consistently deal colossal damage.

Reaching Razor’s full potential requires a bit of investment from “Genshin Impact” players, but his ease of use makes him a great choice for new players who were lucky enough to get him early. Here are the best builds for Razor as well as some tips that every Razor player should know.

How to use Razor

Razor is designed to deal heavy damage with his basic attack combo, Steel Fang. He has some of the highest basic attack damage multipliers in the game, topped off with his innate percentage bonus to physical damage that increases based on his ascension level.

As such, his basic attacks and charged attacks serve as his main sources of damage, while his elemental abilities serve to further boost his damage output through elemental reactions and self-buffs.

Razor’s elemental skill, Claw and Thunder, can be used to deal Electro damage against single targets or in a small area around him, priming them for elemental combos. Meanwhile, his elemental burst Lightning Fang will grant Razor increased attack speed and provide additional Electro damage to his Steel Fang combo.

His abilities and high physical damage scaling make him the best choice for a physical damage team. Razor is best paired with Cryo characters like Diona, Chongyun and Qiqi so he can easily proc Superconduct on enemies.

Razor in his Lightning Fang mode fighting off Treasure Hoarders in Genshin Impact.
Razor in his Lightning Fang mode fighting off Treasure Hoarders in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact

Razor Builds

As a physical damage carry, Razor is best paired with weapons that boost his already-high damage numbers to even greater heights.

The Wolf’s Gravestone is a great five-star weapon choice for Razor thanks to its stacking damage buffs. However, players can also opt for the Prototype Archaic as it’s easier to obtain and provides comparable stats to the Gravestone.

New players can choose to use the three-star Skyrider Greatsword as a starting option.

For his artifacts, Razor is better off focusing on increasing his physical damage. A Gladiator’s Finale set with ATK, ATK%, CRIT RATE, CRIT DMG and Physical DMG Bonuses is all ideal on him.

Alternatively, new players can use the Sojourners Resolution set as a good beginner’s option so long as they stack for flat ATK values or other offensive stats.