Global warming predictions have followed UN models and trends in describing how Earth traps heat due to carbon dioxide. The increased gases and rising temperatures would create large amounts of water vapors to develop into clouds. Those clouds would trap larger amounts of heat and devastate the planet's ecosystem, leading to the end of mankind.

With new data collected from NASA's Terra satellite, that established ecological model may be proven inaccurate. Hypotheses based on the satellite's findings show that planet Earth actually releases heat into space, more than it retains it. The higher efficiency of releasing energy outside of Earth contradicts former forecasts of climate change.

Dr. Roy Spencer, a team leader for NASA's Aqua satellite, studied a decade's worth of satellite data regarding cloud surface temperatures.

"The satellite observations suggest there is much more energy lost to space during and after warming than the climate models show," he writes. "There is a huge discrepancy between the data and the forecasts that is especially big over the oceans."

By cross-examining data with other Climate Change models, he concluded that carbon dioxide is just a minor part in global warming. His studies have garnered media attention and that the data are going against the beliefs of global warming alarmists by disproving their theory.

Other climate scientists disagreed with Dr. Spencer's recent findings spotting flaws and calling his model "unrealistic." The statistical information from the satellites are lacking as Spencer may not have accounted for fluctuations and other variables in the study.

Dr. Andrew Dessler, a Texas A&M University professor in atmospheric science, described Dr. Spencer's report as nothing new nor correct.

"He's taken an incorrect model, he's tweaked it to match observations, but the conclusions you get from that are not correct," said Dessler.

As the debate continues, so does the global climate. Wildfires in the Arctic north of Alaska may be showing signs that carbon dioxide must have some sort of effect to the earth's atmosphere. An example can be seen with the Anaktuvuk River which spread its wild fire across 400 sq. miles in 2007.

The result of the fire expelled 2.1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Four years later the effects are still lingering as fires become more frequent due to unusually warmer and dry weather.

"The 2007 fire was the canary in the coal mine. In this wilderness, hundreds of miles away from the nearest city or source of pollution, we're seeing the effects of a warming atmosphere. It's a wakeup call that the Arctic carbon cycle could change rapidly, and we need to know what the consequences will be," said Michelle Mack from the University of Florida in Gainesville

The frequent occurrences of wild fires and spewing of carbon dioxide would increase global warming.

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