A group of hackers that claims to have stolen and published blueprints for what appears to be Apple’s not-yet-launched MacBook is now requesting a $50 million ransom.

As the tech giant’s anticipated unveiling event of new products was in progress on Tuesday, the Russian hacking group REvil was publishing blueprints taken from one of Apple’s suppliers, Quanta Computer Inc., on the dark web, Bloomberg reports.

In order to stop the future release of unfinished plans, it’s requiring a large ransom from the company.

“Quanta Computer’s information security team has worked with external IT experts in response to cyber attacks on a small number of Quanta servers,” the company said in a statement without sharing how much data was stolen.

“We’ve reported to and kept seamless communications with the relevant law enforcement and data protection authorities concerning recent abnormal activities observed. There’s no material impact on the company’s business operation,” the statement continued.

The already-released blueprints include information on what is believed to be the newest MacBook laptop, according to documents reviewed by Bloomberg. REvil posted 15 images of the product that’s said to have been designed in March.

After attempting to engage Quanta in ransom negotiations last week, the hacker group has now turned to Apple to pay the $50 million by May 1. Until then, they have threatened to continue to post plans.

Apple hasn’t responded to the incident.

This handout image shows Apple product manager Raja Bose speaking about the new iPad Pro lineup at Apple Park in Cupertino, California
This handout image shows Apple product manager Raja Bose speaking about the iPad Pro lineup at Apple Park in Cupertino, California. Apple Inc. / Handout