Halo 5
343 Industries has revealed the status of the “Master Chief Collection” update project. Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

343 Industries have recently put out more details about the upcoming “Halo Infinite” other than the E3 2019 trailer. The upcoming first-person shooter will have many returning features. The game would also have some beta tests prior to the game’s release.

As seen on the official “Halo Infinite” blog, 343 announced that the upcoming game would not only be released on the usual Microsoft console and PC but will also be a first title for Xbox’s new console. The Project Scarlet console is scheduled for release this late 2019.

Before the game gets released, 343 Industries talked about the content of the upcoming beta tests of the shooter. Before the game’s release around Holiday 2020, the developers promised that they’ll push out beta tests where players can play with their friends. More than online play, LAN play is also confirmed as well as Splitscreen multiplayer.

Since 2019 is still halfway done, users can expect around those 18 upcoming months to have multiple beta releases. Potentially, the announcement could be available from their official Twitter page or during Microsoft’s appearance on major gaming event. So far, Penny Arcade Expo West, Gamescom and even Tokyo Game Show have the most chance to hold new reveals and the beta dates for “Halo Infinite.”

“Halo Infinite” is set after the events of “Halo 5: Guardians” and will follow Master Chief’s story. Previous “Halo” titles veered away from its roots as the focus shifted on different characters other than Master Chief. The previous entries were also real-time strategy games which let players command soldiers and troops instead of shooting enemies as one.

The upcoming title will also have returning features such as Halo: Reach’s customization. More than being able to tweak your character’s armor, black undersuits are also available in the game.

Other than new included features, rewards for active “Halo 5: Guardians” players will be given out if they go to the “Halo Infinite” title. Players with Spartan Rank 152 will be given with a “token of appreciation” in the next tile. However, the company didn’t reveal what form will this token be.